16 Nov 2013


Sochin: 41 movements with robust Fudo-dachi stance & strong uke, kime.
Performers should express majestic, solid and stable strength.
Below: JKA Australia national comp 2013 final.

7 Oct 2013


Joe Thambu shihan demonstrated his technique in the JKA national seminar.

16 Jul 2013

The 1st Sydney park dojo competition

We had a memorable 1st Sydney park cup competition.
Well done everyone, you deserve the shiny prizes on your chests!

21 Mar 2013

Special Event

The chief instructor of JKA visited Adelaide and 200 karateka from all around Australia had a productive 3-day seminar.
Sydney team with Ueki shuseki shihan

5 Feb 2013

Japanese Counting

There are various ways of counting in Japanese. In karate we use numbers for moves, name of kata, grades, etc. but some people may be confused its usage.

Generally 4, 7, and 9 have two ways of reading, and it is said that you can use alternative readings when you want to avoid unlucky feeling or confusion.

4: Shi --> same pronounce as ‘death’; unlucky feeling -->Use Yon
7: Shichi --> similar pronounce to ‘Ichi’; confusion --> Use Nana
9: Ku --> same pronounce as ‘pain’; unlucky feeling --> Use Kyu
(1: ‘Sho’ is used specially for kyu/dan etc.)
This is just one of many interpretations. For the usage in your dojo, follow sensei’s instruction.

22 Jan 2013

Referee & Judge

Referee/Judge practice is very important the same as technical training.
Good judging makes the games tense and smooth, also can avoid injury or confusion.

Ideally each dojo should own a set of judging flags as well (You can DIY).
- Special thanks to Mika, the professional creator-