11 Dec 2011

Shiwari 2

I think I do not need to explain for his video. Good work Hamilton people!
And happy Christmas to Karate mates.

3 Dec 2011


'Shiwari' or 'Tameshi wari', is breaking boards, ceramic tiles, etc with bare hands or feet.
The purpose of shiwari is to see the impact of the technique after having long time serious training. But trying beyond your capability and having injury is nonsense.
I love to watch or try by myself, but dislike kids are doing this because it must give bad effect to their bones.
Breaking baseball bats, concrete blocks etc. are good for entertainment, but not for shotokan karate.
If it is conducted properly under supervising by trained sensei, it is good encouragement for students too. What do you think? 

26 Nov 2011

Special Seminar

Richard Heselton sensei, familiar face in all Japan championship, visited Sydney.
Every part of the body is aching after the 3 days extremely hard seminar..

This video is good to know 'Richard the hit-man':-)

18 Nov 2011

From Hamilton

A film has arrived from Heinz de Chelard sensei in Hamilton Victoria.
Surprisingly, John McIntosh sensei, who has come back from deadly leg injury, is having kumite with some of his students. Please keep up good training, Hamilton mates.

4 Nov 2011

One Word Manner

'Use terminologies correctly'

Every single word has proper pronunciation and meaning. Using correct word is one part of training or understanding history of karate. When you are not sure, do not guess, let's check website or ask someone even if you are a high rank sensei. Remember, children copy your behavior and they should not use strange words in future. Be humble and never create own terminology..

This is spelled 'Age uke' but never be pronounced 'ei-dʒ-yu-ki'

15 Oct 2011

Ichi geki hissatsu

I visited the Japan festival and watched ladies kendo demonstration. This one hit kills the opponent if this was a real sword. Our traditional karate techniques must be the same idea.
- Stay calm
- Find a small chance
- Sharp stroke with a drastic step

1 Oct 2011

Today's Training

Kumite techniques by Michael sensei.

22 Sept 2011

New Start

 I ve started training again in Sydney. This is the welcome accident! oh my gosh
Don't worry the club is full insured and this rarely happens..
Look forward to training with you mates!

4 Sept 2011

Train hard mates!

Here we go "The omnibus"!

20 Aug 2011

What is Ippon?

All the techniques in Karate were created for killing the opponent with only one blow.
This is called "Ichi-geki Hissatsu", the same meaning as "Ippon".

Thinking of this, ni-hon (2 blows) or san-bon (3 blows) does not make sense. The player was killed twice or three times? They should be changed to ni-ten (2 points) or san-ten (3 points)..
Anyway this is the WKF rule. But at least karate-ka should know the genuine meaning, don't you think so?

14 Aug 2011

Promotion Video #6

Here we go 'The Final' by renshi-kancho Howard.

7 Aug 2011

Promotion Video #5

How are you Mark sensei.

30 Jul 2011

Promotion Video #4

Now soke-kyoshi-sushi Koji.

23 Jul 2011

Promotion Video #3

Lets go Grant sensei.

16 Jul 2011

Promotion Video #2

Here comes Osmar sensei.

9 Jul 2011

Promotion Video #1

Here we go Nathan sensei!

6 Jul 2011

One Word Manner

"Respect seniors, not yourself"
Please call sensei/sempai to instructors/seniors (No matter if you are close friends and NOT in front of people), but never put title yourself...
[Bad example]
Gentleman, Howard will be off tomorrow.
Sensei Koji  2nd dan

30 Jun 2011

Many thanks

I will be in NSW and updating from distance for a while.
Please take care of Maylands dojo and keep up good training.
I think people here are lucky to have quality training in a nice venue.
Below: Kyoshi Mark kicks to Kancho Howard

22 Jun 2011

What is "Gi"??

Most of Japanese karate people don’t understand the word "Gi".
Karate-gi or Do-gi make more sense, but usually not be shortened.
Below: Three cools in do-gi.

14 Jun 2011

This week's Training

Dojo opens at 2.00 pm Saturday 18th.
Below: Come back Nathan! #2

11 Jun 2011

Today's Training

Member: Osmar, Grant
Contents: Kihon, Bassai-dai, Bassai-sho, Ji-on, Ji-in, Jiyu kumite
Below: Come back Nathan! #1

6 Jun 2011

This week's Training

Dojo opens at 2.00 pm Saturday 11th.

1 Jun 2011

Bo Jutsu

Steve sensei introduced some fighting techniques with sticks (bo) in the camp.
Below: Heinz's sensei's hit-to-kill technique

31 May 2011

Special Event

Karate Camp in Victoria.
Contents: Sergeant Heinz's boot camp, self defense, advance kata, kumite, bo-jutsu, etc.
Special thanks to Steve&Shelley senseis, Portland & Hamilton karate mates.

21 May 2011

Today's Training

Member: Nathan, Osmar
Contents: Kihon, Tekki 1-3, Kanku D&S, Bassai D&S, Kumite

18 May 2011

This week's Training

Dojo opens at 2.00pm Saturday 21st.
Please note: No training next week due to the special event. I will report about it later.

14 May 2011

Funny Kanji

This kanji is pronounced "Cha-a-lu-zu =Charles". Guess what the meaning. "Brown thing flows on your head"..?? or something..

11 May 2011

One Word Manner

"Jewelry off"
Do not forget to take off the necklaces, armlets, rings, etc when training (or cover with tape if difficult) to avoid breaking your precious ones and hurting opponents.
Below: Training on the normal class.

8 May 2011

Yesterday's Training

Member: Nathan, Osmar, Edward
Contents: Heian1, 3, Tekki 1 -3, Chinte, Kanku D, Kumite techniques

6 May 2011

This week's Training

Dojo opens at 2.00pm Saturday 7th. *Close on 14th due to the AKF referee seminar. If you want to attend the seminar please let Sensei Howard or me know.

4 May 2011

One Word Manner

"Let's respect dojo"
Karate people should care about dojo, especially the floor. Wet floor is awfully dangerous, and sandy or dusty floor should be moped up before training. This is not sensei/instructor's job, but any karate-minded students can pay attention.
Below: Yakusoku kumite from the last training.

1 May 2011

Especially for Ed

Now young Ed is training with all black belts. Good job!

30 Apr 2011

Today's Training

Member: Nathan, Osmar, Edward
Contents: Heian 1-3, Jion & Jiin, Bassai d&s, Kanku d&s, Kumite, Makiwara etc.
Videos are coming soon!

29 Apr 2011

This week's Training

Dojo opens at 2.00pm Saturday 30th.
Below: Tekki Shodan (The other name is Nai-fan-chi; the important Shuri-te kata of which Funakoshi sensei trained for thousands of times) 

26 Apr 2011


Our young member has started training again after a long break.
Welcome back Edward.

23 Apr 2011

Today's Training

Member: Nathan, Grant, Edward
Contents: Kihon, Tekki 1 - 3, Jiyu Kumite etc.
Below: Yakusoku kumite from the last week.

22 Apr 2011

This week's Training

We open dojo at 2.30pm Saturday 23rd.
Below; "Shiwari practice"

19 Apr 2011

This week's Training

We can open dojo this long weekend upon your request.
Please let me know date/time if you want to train.
(I found a picture of sweet memories of our dojo.)

16 Apr 2011

Today's Training

Member: Nathan, Osmar
Contents: Tekki 1 - 3, Chinte, Gojushiho-sho, Unsu, Kumite bunkai, Shiwari etc.

15 Apr 2011

Training Time

Dojo opens at 2PM Saturday 16th this week. Sorry Reri, will arrange next time.
In the case we cannot use the venue, we will train in front of Maylands yacht club.

13 Apr 2011


Kiai is one of the important basics in karate. The literal translation is;
気 : Ki (spirit, soul, heart, etc.)
合 : Ai (put together, unite, combine, etc.)

9 Apr 2011

Today's Training

Member: Nathan, Osmar.
Contents: Kihon, Jiyu Kumite, Heian 1 - 5, Tekki 1 - 3, Chinte, Makiwara.

7 Apr 2011

This week's Training

I will open dojo at 2PM Saturday 9th this week. (No training on Sunday)
People who are taking grading test on 20th can practice your syllabus menu.In the case we cannot use the venue, we will train in front of Maylands yacht club.

4 Apr 2011

Team Kata

Today's training was nice. 6 advance belts, 2 color belts, 2 visitors, and 2 onlooker (came back to join again). Amazing, these people are from: Au, UK, Holland, Brazil, Indonesia, Sudan, Vietnam, Ireland and Japan.
Update the team kata from Saturday training below.

2 Apr 2011

Today's Training

Member: Nathan, Osmar.
Contents: Jiyu Kumite, Sochin, Gojushiho sho, Bassai sho, Makiwara
*When hitting target keep straight fist-arm line, breath out, tense triangular muscle.
 Do not punch like boxing mitt, take time and strike correctly one by one.

1 Apr 2011

New Trial 2

I will open dojo at 2PM Saturday 2nd this week. (No training on Sunday)
In the case we cannot use the venue, we will train in front of Maylands yacht club.

29 Mar 2011

Where is Shomen?

Bowing to "shomen" is one of the basic manners in karate. In old time every
dojo used to have a small shinto alter on its front wall. Nowadays not many
dojos have alters, so people just bow to front of the venue for showing their
respect or thanking to the place.

27 Mar 2011

Ultra Gesture

There are a lot of gestures for karate referee. Recently WKF added new one.
In the case Red and Blue attacked together and judges gave the same points,
the referee can give a final decision with a special gesture; The forearm of
the side you want to give a point put vertically, and the other horizontally.
This is great, recalls me Ultraman, the TV hero's lethal weapon.

26 Mar 2011


I up dated the last week's yoseikan tournament video. The red belt guy is from WSKF, he got the second prize in individual kumite division. Well done Shane!

25 Mar 2011

New Trial

I will open dojo at 10AM Saturday 26th this week. (No training on Sunday)
If you have spare time please come and join.

22 Mar 2011

Training Day

I would like to know your preferable day/time for training.
I might be able to rearrange the day depends on the schedule of the venue.
Please have a look at following chart and let me know your favorite numbers.
Yes No. 1 and 2 are the official time, but any opinion is welcome.

16 Mar 2011

No Training

There is no training this Sunday due to the tournament.
One guy from Doubleview will entry, sensei H and I will be the there for judging.

 Day: Sunday 20th Mar
 Time: 9.00am - 5.00pm
 Place: Morley Sports & Rec Centre

14 Mar 2011

Team Heian Yondan

Please let me know if you like to watch the video.

13 Mar 2011

Today's Training

Thank you for joining the training.
Member: Osmer, Chad.
Contents: Kihon, Jiyu Kumite, Filming Kata Jion, Sochin, Heian Yondan, Meikyo.